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The Best PHANTASM Halloween Pumpkin Carvings

Halloween season is all about PHANTASM! It frequently pops up on the list of peoples favorite movies to watch as their 31 Days Of Halloween movie watching. (learn how to stream/watch it here)

We also know the various characters of PHANTASM make popular Halloween costumes. (see samples and ideas here)

Pumpkins and pumpkins carvings are a huge component of the Halloween season. As explains

In the 1800s, a lot of people left England and Ireland to go and live in America. They took their Halloween traditions with them, but instead of carving turnips, they made their Halloween lanterns out of pumpkins.

So how about pumpkins!? Do PHANTASM-inspired pumpkin carvings exist?? YES they do! See some of our favorites below.

Hey PHANTASM phans! We want to see YOUR carvings! Make sure to share with us on our official PHANTASM Facebook page and Instagram page. HAPPY HALLOWEEN BOYYYYY!