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Sam Raimi Gives Love to Phantasm II!

Photo by Scott Pensa

Thanks to Phantasm phan Scott Pensa (#scottyrascal) for these great photos and story.

At the 2023 Texas Frightmare Weekend, a heartwarming and exciting moment occurred for Phantasm fans. Scott Pensa, a devoted Phantasm enthusiast, had an unforgettable encounter with legendary director Sam Raimi. Sporting his Phantasm II t-shirt, Scott managed to secure a photo op with Raimi and even got an autograph on his 5x7 photo from the iconic scene in Phantasm II where the ashes are going into the bag labeled "Mr. Sam Raimi."

A Shared Love for Phantasm

As Scott approached Sam Raimi with the photo, Raimi's face lit up with recognition and fondness. "I love Phantasm," Raimi exclaimed, acknowledging the enduring impact of the Phantasm series on horror aficionados and filmmakers alike.

A Fun Cameo

This delightful moment harkens back to a fascinating piece of horror movie history. During the production of Phantasm II and Darkman, Don Coscarelli and Sam Raimi found themselves working on the Universal Studios lot. The two directors shared a mutual respect and camaraderie, leading Raimi to express his desire to "be in" the sequel to Phantasm.

Unfortunately, there were no on-screen roles available for Raimi in Phantasm II. However, Don Coscarelli, ever the creative problem-solver, devised a clever workaround. As Coscarelli recounts in his memoir, True Indie: Life and Death in Filmmaking, "My workaround was to place Sam Raimi’s name on a bag of ashes and bone that the Tall Man’s assistant was hammering into dust in the crematorium scene. I thought Sam might like this 'shout out' and that fans-in-the-know would enjoy seeing an obscure horror director’s name referenced."

A Nod to Fans and Friends

This subtle homage not only delighted Raimi but also provided a unique Easter egg for sharp-eyed fans. The inclusion of Raimi’s name in such a memorable scene underscores the tight-knit nature of the horror filmmaking community and the mutual admiration shared among its members.

The Legacy of Phantasm and Sam Raimi

The mutual respect between Don Coscarelli and Sam Raimi highlights the collaborative spirit that often drives the horror genre. Both directors have made indelible marks on the industry, with Coscarelli's Phantasm series and Raimi's Evil Dead and Darkman franchises becoming essential viewing for horror enthusiasts.

Sam Raimi's appreciation for Phantasm II is a testament to the film's enduring legacy and the impact it has had on fellow filmmakers. It's moments like these, where creators acknowledge and celebrate each other's work, that continue to fuel the passion of horror fans worldwide.

A Special Thanks

We extend our gratitude to Scott Pensa for sharing this wonderful story and photos from Texas Frightmare Weekend. It's moments like these that remind us of the enduring power of Phantasm and the community it has built over the years.

Sam Raimi autographed Phantasm 2 photo

Stay tuned for more stories and updates from the world of Phantasm! And remember, as the Tall Man might say, "You think that when you die, you go to heaven. You come to us!"